Hospital AC Manual Application

A hospital is a gathering place for people who mostly come and are treated for various diseases. Diseases caused by microorganisms so that the hospital becomes a place of spread and proliferation of various microorganisms. Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi are very easily spread by the air. This is a health problem that not only affects patients but also for people who are active in the hospital environment such as nurses, doctors, patient visitors, and other hospital staff. In overcoming this problem, it is necessary to regulate the air system specifically for hospitals.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has issued Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) number 24 of 2016 regarding the technical requirements of hospital buildings and infrastructure. Permenkes no. 24 years old. 2016 also refers to the FED STD 209E (ISO 14644-1 Cleanrooms Standards 1999) for hospital applications that are in the 100,000 (ISO 8), 10,000 (ISO 7), and 1000 (ISO 6) classes.

Air Quality

Air quality greatly affects one's health, with clean air can help prevent the spread of disease. To guarantee air quality in the room, an air filter is needed. The number of stages of air filtering needed for one room depends on the application of the room.
In addition to air filters, air quality also depends on the large number of air exchanges that occur in the room. The higher the amount of air exchange, the faster the time to clean particles in the room.
Provision of ventilation supply for hospitals requires large amounts of fresh air to reduce to eliminate contaminants generated in the space.

Air Circulation

The recommended air flow for the hospital, especially the operating room is laminar. The laminar flow corresponds to classes 1,000 & 10,000 which are predominantly unidirectional and unobstructed so that air is not contaminated. Direct laminar air flow patterns are usually achieved at speeds of 0.46 m / sec ± 0.1 m / sec.
Air Pressure
Each room in the hospital requires different air conditions depending on the function of each room. Positive pressure is needed for the cleanest room.

Temperature and Humidity

Based on the Technical Requirements of Hospital Buildings and Infrastructure in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 24 of 2016, the recommended temperature is in the temperature range of 20-24'C and humidity of 50-60%.

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