
To become a creative and innovative sold distributor as a professional strategic partner for the principals and customers as well as to contribute to developing the national healthcare and healthy air environment.

To become a national leading company and reliable provider with knowledge and extensive international business networking with an emphasis on the advancing technology, good quality products, services, and safety for users.

To be the best working place for employees and to be able to provide benefits and better welfare for all team members through highly competitive and fair workplace based on the performance achieved.


Provide complete and high-quality Modular & integration OR, HVAC systems, and Surgical Technology with competitive and reasonable price as the first choice for our customers.

Provides the best support for service and maintenance to customers from the certified and qualified technician team.

To be a reliable business partner for the principals as well as keeping the maintenance of a good reputation for its customers and continues to improve the company performance and image.

To be the most reliable partner in improving healthcare facility to achieved the lates standard regulation for better care and treatment for patients in Indonesia and a healthy air environment for better living.

Establishing nationwide partnership and united network among the entrepreneurs who have the same dedication and objective in providing a good quality service to our customers.

Our Core Values


We put the standards of education and training that prepare members of the profession with the particular knowledge and skills necessary to perform the role of that prefession.


Encourage everyone to 1). be humble and self-confident, 2). be creative, 3). have a go, 4). dare to be different, 5). be unafraid of failure. We do not believe that it is a good thing to have never failed, as it only means they have never tried and will never achieve innovation.


No champion or a one-man show attitude. Synergy is only created by teamwork, a sole team leader to ensure accountability. Unafraid of taking up the responsibility. We treat our team members and customers with tender loving care as if they were family.


Open to speak up to anyone, respect individuality and acknowledge differences, strive to achieve affective two - way communication in order to bridge the differences.


Ensure we work with speed while applying The Pareto Law (80:20 principle). The Pareto law states that for many events, 80% of results come from 20% of the causes. This teaches our employees that setting the right priorities is crucial in improving performance.

Our Principles